
Additional Resources

The Tommy Foundation:

Located in Southern Oregon and born out of her own loss of her son, Vicki Kelly formed the Tommy Foundation to help with missing children's cases.  They have a vast resource of knowledge as well as a sweet voice to walk you through the hard times.  They are primarily a missing children's organization but are very involved in helping to find missing adults. 

Missing in California:

 Dedicated to help and support the families of those missing by keeping their faces and stories out there...

I know having a California website on an Oregon based blog may seem funny, but with our shared Interstate it is not too far fetched to think our loved ones may have gone to CA.  Missing in California's founder has assisted in hundreds of land searches and has helped to match unidentified remains to missing persons.  Her experience and expertise lends to her ability to handle each case with love and respect.

Project Jason:
Project Jason Mission Statement
Our mission as a non profit organization is to create and increase public awareness of missing people through a variety of outreach and educational activities. Project Jason seeks to bring hope and assistance to families of the missing by providing resources and support.

I cannot say enough about the work that Project Jason does.  Through personal experience with their own missing loved one, they have created an organization that assists families through the worst situation.  They have a plethora of programs aimed to help get your loved one's face out there and they have many programs for emotional support.  

Crimestoppers of Oregon 

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